0:05outside in
0:06is a focus group of people who use
0:08health and social care services and
0:11social work services and they have as a
0:13result of that
0:14considerable expertise in those services
0:18so they come to outside in really to
0:21share that expertise
0:23my part is to for the students to learn
0:27conditions such as what i have
0:30and some of the other students have
0:33the value that it brings not just for us
0:35as students learning for this
0:37individual's experiences but also seeing
0:39the enjoyment they get out of it as well
0:41for a lot of people they've said it's
0:42the highlight of their week they
0:43absolutely love it they feel like
0:45they've made friends here they learn a
0:47i retired 10 years ago i could have been
0:51sat over twitter in their comments but by
0:53coming to this
0:55outside in group then i could pass on my
0:58of life to the students it definitely
1:02gave me more confidence
1:03the opportunity to be able to talk to
1:05the next generation of social workers
1:07and help understand their morals their
1:09values and sometimes
1:10challenge what they believe and being
1:12part of the project has actually opened
1:13my eyes up to a folding career within
1:16social work myself1:18the overall aim is that when our
1:20students go into practice
1:22they're better social workers they know
1:25more about
1:26the point of view of the person with
1:28whom they're working this is an
1:29opportunity to see the world from others
1:31points of view